Inspection of Offshore Support Vessel
Services and Experience
MarinerThai 2004 is a complete service to handle all types of marine waste and offer complete services to all ships in the eastern seaboard ports.
Here is what MarinerThai 2004 can do for you
- Inspect the main engines, power train, propulsion gear, steering gear and thrusters, utilizing a comprehensive checklist to determine the condition of the equipment so that a corrective action plan can be implemented prior to startup.
- Inspect the auxiliary equipment, i.e., the stern roller, towing eye, bow thruster, anchor winch, anchor handling equipment, chain lockers, pumps fire fighting equipment quarters, galley deck hoists bulk handling equipment, etc.
- Verify the vessel specifications, i.e., dimensions, capacities (fuel, bulk material, drill water, fresh water, etc.)
- Audit the vessel’s certification, i.e., classification, regulatory inspections, registry etc.
- Audit the vessel manning and licensing requirements. Verify the actual manning and licensing.
- Inspect the navigation equipment, communications equipment and positioning gear.
- Analyze the vessel operator’s maintenance, safety and pollution control policies and procedures to assess the effectiveness of these procedures and ensure that these programs are being implemented on the vessel.
- Assist you and the vessel owner in developing and implementing a plan to correct any problems.